Blood Fortification Prayer + Poem
I (Your Name Here), in this ever present co-creative moment of the now,
choose to engage with my sovereign, sacred self in a moment of divine I AM
I choose to anchor these words of prayer deeply into the marrow of my
bones, where my blood cells are created and rejuvenated every 56 days,
creating the quality of reality I experience in my own sovereign bubble.
I speak to you, blood cells, as you are created, as you flow in my veins,
through the chambers of my heart, as you carry oxygen, nourishment and
life force to all organs and tissues of my body.
My heart meets you with reverence and love every 45 seconds as the
entirety of my blood moves through my heart, with each pump, lovingly
received and sent to its next destination.
I connect each blood cell to the earth and her dreaming mind. I connect
my heart to earth mother’s heart beat in equal co creation, non competition
and non hierarchy. I choose to fully decondition and detoxify my blood cells
from fraud time, reconnecting each cell to natural co-creative cyclical time,
to my own internal, natural rhythm and timing that allows me the most
relaxed, present and enjoyable earth and body based experience.
My blood is no longer used as karmic resolution. My blood is no longer used as any form of fuel for any other being other than myself. My blood is no longer used for war or violence. My life force is my own. Each and every blood cell has a golden aura of protection around it, preventing anything from projecting upon it, remote viewing it, influencing it with domination or control, or siphoning life force energy. With every breath I take, I make sacred all of the oxygen that is going into my blood. I fortify all aspects of my blood with the pure, pranic energy, flowing through these words of power.
I imprint upon my blood cells the following: thriving vitality, abundance and prosperity in all forms, authentic expression of my truest souls essence, creative genius, crystalline healing light, courage, confidence, knowingness, peace, joy, bliss, appreciation for self and spirit, union and communion, sacred neutrality, sovereignty, grace.
I detoxify and remove from my blood the following: self imposed limitations, hesitation and doubt, shame, hiding my self from life and the world, depression and regression, addiction to substances that cause stagnation in my energy or dull my light, people pleasing, over giving my time energy and attention, lack mentality, over empathy, guilt, confusion.
Thank you blood, heart, marrow, bones, veins for helping me pay attention to what circulates within my body and energy field. I intend to co-create with you so we may walk the timeline of our highest service, healing, joy, and inspiration, together as one. And so it is.

Blood Blessing Rap/Poem
Vital sacrament of the red road flows
In rivers, through reservoirs, into my heart exposed
Life force, soul's essence, in my marrow it grows
As I fortify the blood created in my bones.
With every step I take upon this Earth
I connect deeper to the heart that grew before my birth
Unveiling truths of this Divine matrix
through cyclical time, I've got the courage to out-create
in rhyme.
Now, I'm speaking to the cells flowing in my veins
protected from external spells
Red blood, blue road
I set all lineages FREE, connected to this DNA co-creating inside of me.
I am no pawn to the whims of another
My blood will NOT be spilt fighting sisters and brothers.
I'm turned on, tuned up, magic amplified within
as this heart lovingly affirms every second I'm living.
I pay attention to what circulates, cast out any petty tyrants
Free myself from Karmic chains
and nurture my own heart again.